Expat Living article: Moving with kids

Expat Living Article

It was wonderful to contribute an article to June’s issue of Expat Living Singapore. You can access my article via this link if you don’t have a print copy.

What’s in the article?

I share why emotional wellbeing is so important during an international move, plus one major misconception about focusing only on the positive aspects of a move. I also include details about A New Adventure: Coaching Cards and my hello/goodbye programme for relocating families.

Why is emotional wellbeing for relocation so important?

As it’s June, many international schools are approaching the end of the school year, which is traditionally when many families move on. Whether you stay or whether you leave, it’s the time of year when there are a lot of goodbyes. Each goodbye is accompanied by challenging emotions for children and their parents.

During these transition periods, it becomes especially Important to protect emotional wellbeing. Families often don’t realise how difficult the relocation process is until they’re in the middle of it and experiencing the stress and grief which form a big part of moving country.

The good news

Putting simple, practical strategies in place as soon as the relocation process begins makes the whole experience of moving country much less stressful. By focusing on emotional wellbeing, children learn how to effectively process grief.

How I can help

If you’re moving country soon or know someone who is, my hello/goodbye programme provides a very comprehensive and personalised framework to support families going through a move. You might also find it helpful to take a look at A New Adventure: Coaching Cards which give a range of conversation starter for families at each stage of relocation. Do get in touch if you’d like to know more.