Universal emotion cards: develop understanding and use of emotion words

Universal emotion cards: develop understanding and use of emotion words


Suitable for parents and teachers to use with children aged 6-17
Taken directly from Dr Sarah Whyte's doctoral research, these universal emotion cards are proven to develop children's emotion knowledge and ability to name feelings. Her students’ emotional vocabulary increased by over 300% in a short space of time when they used the card activities independently. They're great for adults too! Choose an activity from the task cards or select emotion cards to share how you feel and why. 

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Why do I need these cards?

  • Naming emotions increases children’s awareness of their emotional state and helps them share their emotions with others.

  • Naming negative or frustrating emotions helps children calm down more quickly.


What's in the box?

  • 8 core emotion cards: four positive emotions and four challenging emotions

  • 8 less intense synonym cards, one to match each core emotion card

  • 8 more intense synonym cards, one to match each core emotion card

  • 8 task cards giving ideas of how to use the emotion cards

  • All cards have one emotion name or task on the front, with a colourful design on the back  

  • 1 handy guide

  • Card dimensions: 9cm x 6cm, rounded corners, matt laminated 


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